Retirement Specialist With Over 40 Years Of Retirement Planning Experience

Year: 2024

If you’re a senior, the future may present more of a concern than it once did–you may wonder what you’ll do if your health deteriorates. If you must enter a nursing home, for example, how…


Medicare won’t cover all of your health-care costs during retirement, so you may want to buy a supplemental medical insurance policy known as Medigap. Offered by private insurance companies, Medigap policies are designed to cover…


One of the longest-standing debates in investing is over the relative merits of active portfolio management versus passive management. With an actively managed portfolio, a manager tries to beat the performance of a given benchmark…


Keeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle…


Whether you’re seeking to manage your assets, control how your assets are distributed after your death, or plan for incapacity, trusts can help you accomplish your estate planning goals. Their power is in their versatility…

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